Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday has arrived......

This single bud is from a rose that has not bloomed for me for years.  It had frozen back and because of the ample moisture it put out a bud.  It sits next to the wild rose in my yard so  I plan to move it into the sunshine and away from the evasive rose.

The mock orange bush is old.  It was on the property when I bought back in 1976.  It has a tree growing out of the center of it that I need to have removed.  That is a project that isn't on my front end of my list but I will get rid of that tree.  The blooms are plentiful and will start to fall off pretty soon.

My last photo  to share is this weathered carefree rose.  I think it is a carefree rose but I may be naming it incorrectly.  The blooms are prettier than this in good condition but they seem to be starting to rebloom and all that are on the bush are older blooms.

I let my license expire and spent a wonderful hour getting that all straightened out.  I had spent the night before studying for the test I would have to take.  The secret to the situation is to go when it is too busy and to go when all the test computers are in use.  The guy at the counter looked my driving record over and looked at the time expired beyond the expiration day and he wrote renew on the top of my form.  Once I had reached the counter it took on 10 minutes to get the job done.  Gave him $20 and he took a horrible digital photo that makes me look like a lineup criminal.  The camera flattens the face and enhances everything to make you have a saggy baggy face.  At least I hope I don't look like that photo.

Another hard physical day at work.  My body is protesting it all by making me walk slow and be bent over from all the lifting and pushing.  I will get use to it but it takes a few weeks to build the stamina.  Thanks for stopping by today. 

1 comment:

  1. Due to moving, I had to get a new driver's license/photo. I look like I have DARK circles under my eyes and my head protrudes out in front of my body! As you say, I HOPE I don't look like that!
