Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday Stuff......

The weigelia seems to love all the rain and the two shrubs just keep blooming.   The storms don't seem to  bother the flowers as they hang tough.

The mock orange is pretty at night as the white blooms seem to be showy against the dark green leaves.  My back door light seems to cause them to reflect the light and they look like Christmas lights.

I am waiting for the grass to dry so I can get my yard mowed.  I won't get to all of it but if I can get a good section of it done the people around  me won't complain as much.  It is almost nine in the morning and it might be somewhat dry with the sun shining.  We of course had more rain last night.  West of us they had a 6 inch rain.  That really does cause flooding in Iowa when it comes all at once like that.

I am going to try to do low exercise today and tomorrow as my job is a five day workout.   I can feel it in my muscles more this year than last as I have developed an inflammation problem in the blood circulatory system.  It is an old man's problem and I take a lot of pain relief for it to keep me going. Slowing down has to come sometime in the future.  And yet as being on my feet or being not on my feet doesn't seem to make any difference to the inflammation condition.

We have a movie planned for this afternoon and eat out tomorrow for our wedding anniversary.  That will be fun and low exercise as the waitress love to run around all over to make the customer happy.
Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. The weigelia is looking nice. You certainly are getting a lot of rain. Happy anniversary! Enjoy your day.

  2. As I continue to read your posts backwards, I now understand the physical problems you are experiencing with your legs/feet.
    I love the weigelia and mock orange blooms. I miss both of these plants from Nalley Valley.
    Hope your anniv. was enjoyable.
