Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday's Mentions.......

The ant is busy getting nectar from the mock orange bush.  It is not in full bloom so I have time to get a better, fully focused photo in which to post.   The fragrance is so great when it becomes filled with open flowers.

A soaked blossom of the peony bush.  We keep getting rain daily so I may never have many good shots of these peonies.  Rain can take them out pretty quickly.

I took this photo of the William Baffin rose and didn't see the weeds.  That weed is the one I hate most of all weeds.  I think it is a nettle like weed as it can really scratch up your skin if you touch it or rub against it. It causes a chemical burning. I thought I had gotten rid of most of it last year but no it is standing tall in the photo.

A busy fun weekend with the family reunion on Saturday and stopping to help out Della's friend at her new apartment.  She has some physical restrictions right now but is healing so we took her for lunch and took her to a Target store to stock up on things.  We are both very tired from the two days of fun and also are still adjusting of waking up at five in the morning for me to get ready to go to work by six.  It is worse than the time daylight change thing.  I work my eight hours and then come home by two or so and am needing a nap to get through the evening.  I think Mondays will always be the  worse of this schedule but we will survive.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. My William Baffin is just budding now..we are at least two weeks behind you or more. I would hate getting up at 5AM..I am not a morning person. I hope it stays cool for you in the building..heat wears us old folks out:)
