Sunday, June 9, 2013

Two Weigela Shrubs......

The rains keep the weigela shrubs in full bloom.  The two colors look great together.

These colorful ladies need to be planted.  We have had a busy weekend planned.  Yesterday we spent a large part of the day with my wife's cousin reunion.  It was a great time, ending up at the Machine Shed restaurant for dinner.  Today we will return to church, Sunday school, and will meet with my wife's friend in Des Moines.  She has been back in Des Moines from Minneapolis for a whole week and we have furniture and things for her to help her get better settled into her new apartment.  It is good to share things with her and also to transport her to wherever she needs to go to shop for things.

My  yard is in need of care.  After sharing rhubarb with a neighbor and seeing the mess in the yard, I have decided to start working on specific areas each day after work trying to get the yard in shape.  I don't over manage my flower areas but I do need to keep them up better than they look now. Last year we were so dry that I could weed and pull grasses our of the beds and it stayed clean thee entire summer. 

We were caught out in a downpour yesterday and we did survive.  I have not been soaked out in the rain for a long time.  We were in at a Target and when we returned to the car we were walking through walls of water.  Rain is predicted again today but it is spotty.  We haven't moved into our hot summer yet and that is good.  My work at school is mainly in the non air conditioned area so cool weather has been selfishly good for me.

Have a good Sunday everyone and thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Dianthus Raspberry Parfait..some of that my be perennial for blooms great and will look good all summer if you deadhead it. You did have a busy weekend:)
