Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Staying tough......

My previous job was one where I could blog through many study halls during the day.  I am not able to do that in my custodial job and my evenings are short.  So I will be streamlining the creative zone today and maybe even tomorrow. 

I am good.  I am getting back into shape with all the physical labor that I am required to do.  I work with a floor crew and we have just finished our first floor in two days.  We carry everything out of the room and put it into the hall.  We then strip and or sand down the floors, clean and reclean them until they are ready for two coats of wax.  Today we will put one room back together and finish waxing another room.  All in a good days work. Maybe we will start on our third room which is sitting there waiting for us.

Take care all and thanks for checking in today.


  1. So it is easier being a will adjust! BUT it may take some time as you are getting older:)

  2. Sitting down is easier when the kids are behaving. Most of the day I don't sit that much. But the physical labor and the lifting and carrying get to the old muscles. I call it my free workout sessions and they pay me to do it. I should have weighed myself on Monday to see how much I will be loosing in weight.
