Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Trying to keep up......

This is the other weigela is actually pink in color.  I had said earlier that it was white.  The shrub is full of blooms but still is not in totally full bloom.  The red one that I showed earlier unfortunately is planted too close to this one.  I will have to feel very strong on a cool day to dig it and move it.

This is the first year for this plant to bloom for me and it is a stunning plant.  It has spread out and has strong foliage and sturdy stems.

The wind was blowing hard from the east so I got a very spread out view of this hybrid white.  I really like it.  It is big and can be seen from all over the garden.

My parents had this iris growing along the south side of their garage.  I took a couple of samples from it and it is doing well in to different locations on my property.  I have shared two of my cemetery iris with you and I notice that the last one that I have is soon to bloom.  I find it interesting that they all bloomed at different times.  I use to think they bloomed earlier than the modern ones as you could see them at the cemetery in bloom on Memorial Day. 

This is hard to remember that I have to blog the night before of the day of posting.  I know I could do it later when I get home from work but doing it the night before has worked so far alright.   Monday was day one of being the floor man for the building.  My boss and I are stripping and sanding a very paint covered concrete floor.  We should have it cleared and ready for wax by the end of Tuesday, today.  It will be nice to get the floor done as we didn't get it done last year before school started.  So it was the first one we did this summer.  It is hard work but we take a lot of breaks as one can't do it continually for eight straight hours. No air in that room so we keep the fans going to keep ourselves cooled.

Rain is suppose to hit again today.  I am not sure when and where that will happen but we are getting use to it.  I did get a portion of my yard mowed last nigh† and if it doesn't rain I will finish it tonight.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Iris!
    I also blog the night before..works for me:)
