Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bees work..............

I work with a guy at school this summer who set up two bee hives directly west of on the other side of town.  His bees have helped the entire town as I have pears all over this tree for the first time ever since I have had the tree.  The tree is probably twenty years old. My apple tree that did so well was bless again this year by those bees as I have a tree covered with apples.  It is a good deal to have beekeepers in the neighborhood.

I would show you apples but the shots seem to always turn out blurry.  I hope we get more rain tonight so the fruit will fill out a lot more.

Friday tomorrow and the week is done.  It will be good to have a couple of days off and the weather is a little cooler.  Both of us are better with our summer colds.  My wife's heart doctor described the same cold and said it last for three weeks.  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Wonderful about the bees! I love pears. Happy to hear you both are better. I hope the weekend will be restful.

  2. You are going to get lucky for you! There is a shortage of bees up least I don't see as many bees as I used to:)
