Tuesday, July 23, 2013


This is the other hardy geranium that I bought for a buck.  I now have all of the colors that are available at the retail stores.  This is a stronger pink than the other one that is so pastel pink.

I am now feeling better.  I won't say I am back fully but I worked today feeling like I had earned my money.  My poor wife is a couple of days behind me with this summer cold stuff.  She should turn around by tomorrow.  Did I tell you the cold came from the Dominion Republic.  A friend that I work with came back with it and shared it with the janitorial crew.  My boss and I had it for about the same amount of time.  I had not made the connection until I noticed he too was sneezing and blowing his nose all the time, too. I hate summer colds.

Thanks for all of  your concerns from you out there.  I wasn't reading mail much, getting mail, and barely got any blogging done.  I know I am better because I have taken photos the past two days now. My legs and feet seem to be doing a lot better also and I think that I will survive that for now. It seems to be the kind of thing that will raise its head once in a while.

Thank you for stopping by today.....Hey I got a Christmas present today, cool stuff.  I will tell you about it latter and thanks to you three in the cabin in the woods.


  1. Summer colds can be more miserable than in winter and glad to read you are doing better, Larry. Several members of our family were also sick when we visited New England last week, thankfully we are doing OK.

  2. So glad your cold and your legs/feet are better. I pray Della gets well soon, too.
    These flowers are so pretty. I wish I could find some good bargains. We have planted a few seeds since we moved in.

  3. Sounds like you turned the corner. Hope Della is better soon!
    You are welcome..hope they all arrived in once piece:)
