Sunday, July 28, 2013

Dry Dirt Report....

The soil is dry as evidenced in this shot.  I was going to crop it out but it seems to  make a balanced shot. I have some Asiatic lilies that I need to get watered.  I trimmed volunteer trees out of the bed today and now they could be encouraged with a bucket of water.  I do have more water in my rain barrel from the inch rain that we had a week ago.

This is the one lonely bloom I found behind all the tree starts in that flower bed.  It looks better with the brush cleared and I should get a lot of flowers from it now. I will carry it some water today.

It is cold again t his morning and the furnace thought we would be too cold so it ran for an hour.  It is  comfortable inside but  it is 59 degrees F. outside.  We feel like fall weather with it being this cool.  My wife is still dealing with the last of the summer cold stuff.   I still have symptoms but am pretty much done with it. I have not had a summer cold for years but it sure did travel around here.

It is another restful day for us today.  We will go in and teach our Sunday school classes and then grab something to eat before coming home.  It is back to work tomorrow.  We  have a lot of waxing to do to finish up the high school hallways.  We  have the middle school halls completed and the high school was partially done as of Friday. 

The summer seems to be dwindling away  here.  I will teach as a sub for the first two weeks of school and I then might have some time off for a while. I don't actually know when school starts but I think it is the third week of August.

Have a good day and thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Glad to read that you are feeling better, Larry, and hope your wife will soon be as well. Luckily, we did not catch any summer ailments this season even though relatives we recently visited were suffering through coughs. The soil is dry here too as all the anticipated rain showers seem to dissipate before getting here.

  2. Karen and one or two other blog friends are enjoying cooler temps. Still hot and humid here in GA with daily thunderstorms.
    I enjoy seeing your pretty blooms.
    I hope Della begins to feel better soon. Are your legs/feet any improved? John has a first appt. with a podiatrist this week.
    School begins here early Aug. It seems like a short summer for the kids.
    Take care.

  3. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better..that cold/virus is wicked. Love your yellow lily! :)
