Saturday, July 27, 2013


It isn't a good sun glow at all but I was trying to show all the apples that are hanging all over the tree. I may make it out today and get an all new set of photos.  It is actually very cold out there.  Our high today will be 74 degrees F.  I had to turn the furnace down so it wouldn't be working.

We have been to the library to rearrange and exchange artwork on the bookshelves.  I think Della sold a painting on the net that was up there on display.  It would be bad to sell it twice and have only one painting.  

Weary day for me but it will be restful.  I don't have many plans and will just take it easy.  I have some stuff to get trimmed out of the flower beds and I need to water the tomatoes.  No mowing is needed or won't be done as it is too dry to mess with right now.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That's a lot of apples! Hope you both feel better soon.

  2. My blogroll hasn't been updating with recent posts from your blog, and I came by to see why you hadn't been posting for 4 months only to discover that you have! Now I have a lot of catching up to do!
    Sorry that you've been laid low by a summer cold. And talking of cold, I was amused that you describe 74 degrees as cold! That is a heatwave in Scotland.
