Monday, July 22, 2013

Move the darn garden hose........

A summer cold hit me on Thursday of last week and by Friday evening wiped me out.  I shared the cold with my wife on a delayed schedule but we are both better now Monday night.  It was the kind of cold that one could have a truck run you down and one would welcome the relief.  I slept for ever and we were home bound for the entire weekend.

I am back to work and Della is up and at it a little  She is still a lot under the weather but we did get  her to the heart scan schedule for this afternoon.  We ate at the House of Pancakes and came home. She will visit the Doctor on Thursday to read the results.

When you really do feel like the walking dead, you really don't move the garden hose out of the way to make the shot.  I did take another shot this evening and it eliminates the hose.

This is the one true red hardy geranium that I have in my collection .  I don't see it for sell very often as the sell the less variety more.   I did pick up some new varieties and will share them.  They were a dollar apiece and since I winter them over it was perfect to buy them even tough they were small.

We had a little rain Saturday.  We  have storm warnings going off right now for the evening so maybe we will have more  water on the ground.  The  state wide bike ride is going by here close by tomorrow and they are tonight staying in a neighboring town.  Storms tents and bike riders really don't mix.  I have lost so many blooms now in the yard and the cracks in the soil are large.

Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. I'm sorry to read that you both have been sick. This red is really pretty. We are getting our daily thunderstorm this evening. I hope all went well with her heart scan. Praying that you both feel better soon.

  2. Summer colds are the worst..hope you both feel better soon. I will be thinking good thoughts of Della and hope her tests all go well:)
