Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A J..........

Our grandson AJ will be five months old on the 23rd of this month.  He is growing fast.  We last saw him he was weighing about 7 pounds and now he is up to 14 pounds.  As you can see he is already reading books without words.  His dad spends a lot of time with him reading little books and the little guy is just at the age to look at all the wild colors and be curious about what he is seeing.  It  has been over a week and a half since we were out to see him. We really had a good time seeing and holding him and also visiting with Patricia and Andy.

I keep the potted plants watered as rain is scarce.  This hardy geranium is really looking healthy sitting out the patio.  I had white regale lilies bloom and fade so quickly this summer that I didn't get a single shot of them.  The dry spell sit in and they didn't like the hot air or wind.

Here is another shot of this Asian lilies.   I am home sick today and didn't go to work. I have been working through some tough times with my feet and legs.  It seems that I can only make it for three hours while  I am there and then the rest of the day is just raw pain.  I will take off today and maybe tomorrow if things don't get better soon.  I feel better today as I  haven' walked and worked continually like I do on the job.  Ice baths on my feet have really helped out a lot to get things to be better also.

We have been putting sealer on the terrazzo floors as they have all been sanded down to a fine polish.  They will receive a coat or two of sealer and no wax will ever be put on those floors again.  Terrazzo becomes like polished marble when sanded down the correct way.

I have been unable to approach blogging with any gusto but I will be back for a couple of days for sure.  The weekend is coming so I can get back onto the posting for those days. 


  1. Your grandson is precious. He is really growing. He is only about 8 weeks younger than our Ellie. Maybe one day they will blog together!
    I'm very sorry about your legs/feet. Praying you feel better soon.

  2. Sounds painful..have you tried some of those Dr. Shoals inserts..lots of people like them and say they help their feet. Hopefully a day or two off will to get older. :)

  3. Thanks for the grandson update, Larry. He is growing fast as they usually do. We are currently in RI to celebrate our granddaughter's 2nd birthday (already) this week.

  4. Handsome AJ is really growing! I know you all are enjoying him so much! I'm loving the lily photos!!
