Monday, July 15, 2013

This old house.........1904.

I received a compliment about our old house from a coworker.  She said it was such a pretty house. As a homeowner I can tell you I need to get back to making repairs and remodeling.  It is old and the things you do to old houses don't last long. 

Regardless of all the disrepair I do like it has turned out in appearance.  I always get serious questions about the color of the body of the house and I just say that it is what it is. The artist Monet who lived in France painted his house this color first many years ago and he too planted garden colors around it to make it to look great.  Monet is the waterlily painter and garden painter of all his flowers from 90 years ago.  People still visit his home to day and admire his gardens and the color of his house.  His color was created by grinding up red brick and mixing it into white paint.

Our camera always has trouble taking shots of the Bee Balm in our yard.  It seems to always blur and react to the red flowers.  They are pretty sad this year having been too dry last year.

I am fascinated with the seed pods of the yucca plant.  I took a couple shots of them and this was my best shot.  I  had dug out this plant a couple of years ago as it appeared dead but it did come back on its own.

I am getting a lot of comments that they are not getting my updates on their list.  I changed my address but not the name probably 8 months ago.  I have been thinking about the problem and I think I have the solution.   Go to my site that  you want to follow.  Go to the followers list and tell blogspot that you want to unfollow me.   Then go ahead and follow me again.  I think that you followed me with a different address and this should get you back onto my site with the newer address.  I changed my address as I was foolishly using too much information in my address which could have let people take things from me. 

Thanks for stopping by today.  It is Monday and I am always more tired on Monday evenings.  Have a good rest of the day and take care.


  1. I like the color of your house. It does look great with the garden.

    You trick to get the posts to show up in reader lists again worked for me a while back. I've noticed some other blogs with the same issue. Just unfollow and then refollow.

    Have a good week.

  2. Your house is a lovely color..very unusual..but way cool:)

  3. I love the charming color of your home. Both the home and the gardens are beautiful.
    I have never seen seeds from a yucca plant. Interesting.

  4. As long as you are pleased and happy with the color of your home and your spouse is too, Larry, then that is all gthat matters. When we bought our older Victorian it was painted a very boring and traditional white with black shutters. We changed that color scheme to ivory with blue shutters and like it way better.
