Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday's Stars.......

It has been a restful weekend. I am trying to stay off my feet for both days before I go back to work.  I do a lot of walking in a stretched out complex of two schools.  If you need a screwdriver, you walk a block to go get it.  If you go for break you walk two blocks down to get there and then two blocks back to the work site. Students who want to be let in down at the gymnasium requires me to walk a block or two to get down there and then return to the work site. It is just a lot of hallways with lots of twist and turns.  I bought some new work shoes for the job hoping that my job will will be more comfortable when I walk.

We  have had good weather but it has been a tad warm.  It is summer and one expects that.  I had to water tomato plants yesterday and flowers too.  I need to water the other set of tomato plants this afternoon out by the garden shed and I will have to carry that water to get there.  I have a hibiscus plant that I am watching to keep it watered well and the stargazer lily at top is really suffering from the lack of rain.  Farmers who dig post holes say that there is a lot of moisture seven inches down but we have very dry soil right now. There were farm fields that didn't get planted this  year and what is planted is at a very young development stage.  The sweetcorn industry just now have corn ready for sale.  It usually is being sold a month earlier.  The weather has just been strange.

The friend that we helped move to Des Moines is taking us out to eat to day to thank us for the deed.  We really are glad she is nearby now as she is all alone and needs someone just to be around.  She loves her new location and apartment.  We are happy to see the new things she is doing and the way she is adjusting so well after the move.

I hope you all have a great day today and thanks for stopping in today.


  1. So nice of you to be there for a friend in the trio of blooms

  2. Your flowers are looking gorgeous Larry !
    So many colors and varieties.
    Glad to hear your Summer is going well, and sharing good times with friends.
    I never receive updates when you write a new blog post, not sure why ?
    Be well ...

  3. You need some other way to get from here to electric cart..maybe one of those fancy ride on things that I cannot remember the name stand on them and steer. Your flowers are looking great:)

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about the difficulty with your feet/legs.

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful and bright blooms.
