Monday, August 26, 2013

A Tad Warm on Monday.........

I don't see the spider but his web doesn't have any insects in it for him to eat. I bet he is really hungry.

I was given to me free.  The birdhouse didn't sell at the garage sale.  I don't understand it as it had a price of fifty cents on it.  Anyway, I have it now and it goes with the theme.  I was so busy and the weather was so strange that I didn't get my flowers out in the milk jar.  It was a bad summer for outside work. 

 I posted photos of the white begonia all winter as it bloomed in my east window.  I bet it is getting anxious to go back inside soon as we have ten days of 90 degrees or more predicted.  We will probably have early outs at school all week as there are portions of the buildings that do not have air.  I guess by one o'clock it gets to be the hottest that some of the room will become and so we get out then. My art room sits at the end of a hall where the cold air comes up from the air conditioned end.  So I pull air in with a fan and keep the humidity down.  It doesn't stay cool when the sun shines in the west window no matter how much air I steal from the hallway.

I do get work done with the early outs as I had supplies to put away for the teacher than I have been subbing for the past few days.  She had surgery that will keep her out for another week or so.  If I didn't tell you, she is the art teacher and I am teaching in my old classroom. It is kind of strange to be back in there again.  I find myself flashing back and thinking that I am going to be there all year.  I know that I should be out in another seven to ten days.  She does return to surgery again in a couple of weeks so I will be back in there again.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. A TAD more like a whole lot warm. I hope the weather breaks soon. Stay cool:)
