Sunday, August 25, 2013


I posted this photo before to show you the apples from one of my apple trees.  Now I repost it show you the potter's wheel that the apples are sitting on in the photo.  I was fortunate last winter to have given to me the  old potter's wheel that I had ordered when I first started teaching at the school.  The year was 1976.  That wheel was the only wheel that I had in the art room for 15 years and then the school let me buy other more condensed versions of the potter's wheel.  At one time before I retired I had six different wheels going at the same time.

The old wheel has a tall seat and it was dangerous for younger kids.  The young ones like to mess around and could get their foot caught between the weighted kick wheel made of heavy metal and the metal frame.  The wheel was also powered and the motor has been shot for years.  It can be used as a manual kick wheel but the new instructor thought it took up too much space in the art room.

I had offered money for it a few years ago to buy it and that just didn't happen.  They said yes to the purchase but life got confusing and I never paid for it and I didn't think about it again. As I said earlier I was asked about it and they readily moved it to my backyard for free.

Now today as I sub for a few weeks I was asked by the absent teacher to give four of the classes pot throwing lessons. It is just like jumping back in time and I again am demonstrating throwing on the wheel.  The difference now is that I need to build those back muscles that it takes to do the activity.  I am sore from Friday's demos but will get stronger each day.

We are going to go through a seven day heat spell in Iowa.  It will help our northern friends to get rain but it will be a long week with everyday school early dismissals.  We went through school the past week when it was 88 degrees F.  as this week will be so much hotter.  Above 90 degrees every day with heat indexes of 104 degrees is the predicted conditions of the week, every day through the weekend.

Have a good Sunday and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Exciting for you to be involved in the pottery demo. Hope your muscles get used to the workout soon.
    Did you and your wife find any good books yesterday?

  2. I think you like the pottery part more than anything else! I remember art class I so wanted to learn how to draw..never did. The art teacher didn't know how to teach:(
