Friday, August 2, 2013

Everchanging seasons..........

The hydrangea waited so long to bloom white and I guess that it is reverting back to green because of the lack of water. It is pretty this color but I don't every remember the bush not just turning brown and shriveling up its blooms. 

 The pods of the yucca plant really fascinated one of the sons of my boss.  He and his four sisters and brothers thought the name was a funny one.  But Isaiah was more than a little tempted to pick off the pods.  I told him that I would bring him the whole thing once it had all dried up.

The phlox is really trying to put on a show of color even though it is so dry.  Maybe we will have rain late Saturday evening.  Last night's rain missed us as it went south in the bottom of the state.

Friday is here and I will work a part of the day today. I stayed late one day earlier in the week to help get the waxing done of the hallways.  There is no overtime in my job so I will just leave on Friday once I have hit forty hours.  Today we also must stay away from the public as they continue to register the public.  It really is a social class system that continues in this country even though the non janitors of this country don't think of it as class differences.  I have been in a room where a heavy desk was to be lifted and the non janitor men disappeared instantly when the process started.  We were four moving a major desk system in the main office and three hardy administrator types just disappeared.  Seven men could have made light work of it but the four of us had to struggle.

Class reunion time this Saturday.  I have a few cousins coming  to Murray also for other reasons so it will be a busy Saturday.  I don't think I can last an all day event that would last through the evening but I will try to get a chance to meet up with as many people as I can.  The reunion is held the same time as the towns Jamboree, a traditional celebration by this small town over sixty years or more. I has become a community reunion during its evening events.  We will come home when I have my fill.  My wife is still a little under the weather, almost over her summer cold and I am just tired and don't need to be on my feet that much so we will come home early.   Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. The bums! They could have helped with that heavy desk...some people. I hope you have a good weekend:)
