Saturday, August 3, 2013


The pin oak is  hard to photograph with all the neighbor's cars and houses in the background. The pin oak has leaves that seem more yellow than usual in color.  I have two of these trees and this one grows well in its location while the one in the backyard is a third of its size.

Here is a second shot that I took of the seed pods from my yucca plant. I have never tried to grow them from seed but I am going to keep an  eye on the pods and collect a few.

The hollyhock must put out seed that is genetically different in color that its parent plant.  This is a different red plant that is new this year.  I planted the dark red blooms and now  have white and this color growing nearby.  I like this color as it photographs so easily.  The dark red is tough to shoot with my camera.

A day of rest and recovery today.  I opted out of going to the class reunion as my steps are slow and painful today.  I will get better as the janitor job ends in 12 working days.  Then I will have some time off from all of the lifting and walking. I am resting too as a short project can wear me down.  I am ready for another cup of coffee and watching the how to shows on the tv this afternoon.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We have been in the market for yucca plants. We had a large clump of it at our very first home. I like this hollyhock...the center is so pretty. I do hope you can get to feeling better and that your wife is over the cold. We love to watch the how to shows on tv also. We've recently started drinking a cup of hot chamomile tea in the afternoons, in addition to coffee in the mornings.

  2. I like the spiral of darker streaks inside the holly hock. You got them and the pollen very well.

  3. I hope you get rested up..the job is wearing on are counting the too:)
