Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday's One Contribution.........

Every tomato has black rot on the bottom of them.  I was told that I needed to spray them with calcium weeks ago.  Oh well, too late.  We can cut the bottom of them off and still eat the tomato in a salad.

Friday at work is over now and I am ready for a restful day.  I spent another day in the shower rooms working on floors and painting walls.  One room almost done and three to go.  I start as a sub in the art room classroom on the 21st of August.  I have to dress differently when  I play the role of a teacher.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your salad will be delicious, I'm sure. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Hate blossom end rot. I don't try to do anything special about it. The calcium is important but only if they have enough water to transfer it as well, and we're usually so dry that I can't count on that. I just toss the worst ones, cut off some like you and it always seems to go away after a bit.

  3. We used to use a Miracle Grow for Tomatoes to help with that..uneven watering makes it worse. Hope you can save some of the maters:)
