Saturday, August 10, 2013

At a quick glance......

It looks like a flower garden if  you look at it with a quick glance.  I see all the creepy Charlie stuff and a few stray trees in there.  I also just noticed that I have not moved the angel guy back down onto the bench.  I had planned earlier in the season to move the little bench but a snake was living under the bench part among the rock legs.  I never got back to moving it. 

I saw this morning that a lot of my neighborhood people grow the surprise lilies.  I really like having them and they are new plants for me the last couple of years.  I didn't dig them from any other garden.

My wife's knockout rose is coming back strong.  It took a long time for it to rebloom but it seems under a lot less stress than the last time it bloomed.  The first blooms of the year was during a heat wave. Some of the other roses are setting buds again probably for their final blooms of the year.  It is August already.

It is a low active day for me today.  I have a few things to do but need to give my body time to heal again.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I nearly run off the road each time I spot the lilies in our neighbor's yards! I love them. Your wife's rose is a gorgeous color.
    I hope you both are feeling better and that you'll have a blessed Sunday.
