Saturday, August 24, 2013


The summer has been an unusual season and fall is just around the corner.  The hollyhock is such a sturdy plant that gives the garden a country garden look. I do like how it keeps spreading its seeds and the plants increase each year.  They bloom on the second year of growth and then continue to bloom every year after that.  I couldn't be happier to have them as all the flowers struggled again this summer.   I see that my hibiscus will not bloom this year as buds are not forming. 

My struggle with knowing the difference between zinnia seeds and marigold seeds has been resolved.  I still do not have a single bud on my large white marigolds. They too seem to be effected by the summer weather.  I keep them watered and maybe by frost they will bloom.

The common discussion at school is the size of the fruit and tomatoes on the plants this year.  The pears and apples are everywhere but they are extremely small.  Right now the pears are hard little fruit and I am waiting to see if one can get a bite into on without hurting one's teeth. 

An adventure planned for the day is having a bookstore visit and picking up freezer bags for green beans.  A friend who waters her garden continually is sharing green beans with everyone.  We will snipped the ends and prepare them for the freezer so we can enjoy that great taste of fresh green beans later on in the year.

Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. I love the hollyhocks too. Too bad about the apples/pears being small and hard. We love green beans and always put them in the freezer for a cold winter's day. Have a good time at the bookstore.

  2. p.s. love the new pic of A.J.

  3. this has been a very unusual summer the weather here in Arkansas was wet and cool. Flowers didn't do well, didn't have to water this year.
