Saturday, August 31, 2013

Stuff for Saturday.......

I have lost my touch with  my violets.  I still have a lot of them but I can't keep up with them.  I think the difference of summer conditions in the house compared to the winter conditions means I have to readjust my care of them. I have to water when needed rather than be on a weekly schedule.  I had to remove all of them from the large window in the dining room as the sun was bearing down on the area tin which they were sitting.  I  have never had to do that before.  It was 102 degrees F.  outside and the sun is now at an angle that it bears down on them in the afternoon.  I may have to find a new area to place them. 

I do have some starts to be repotted and I can get my numbers in the collection back up to where it was.  I have the bunch of five planted when young in a bowl shaped planter doing very well.  I need to move them into new individual pots. I have a few starts that could be placed in pots too.

I have a Russian Olive that was given to me years ago.  It was intended to be planted out in the woods for the birds to enjoy.  I was young and just planted it in my yard because it was free.  The bush does have thorns on it and it grow in front of my wife's studio window.  I usually prune it back each spring so she can see out of the window.  It is either changing color now because of the drought or perhaps it is because of the fall weather that is suppose to arrive in the future.

Here is another shot of my Susans that I took the other day.  They keep coming back each year regardless of our weather conditions.

Things to do over the weekend will be varied and not too stressful. I am going out to trim back all of my rose bushes after I finish blogging.  I may be able to pull one more blooming session from them before the first freeze. I have a couple of free growing volunteer mulberry trees to cut down that are getting big enough to look bad.  I have a large trunk of dead silver maple tree on our porch roof that I need to remove.  It fell the other day and my wife and the dogs were really concerned.  At first it seem to my wife that it must have been a sonic boom by the way it shook the house.  Actually if fell perfect from the very tallest part of the tree and landed horizontally on the  porch roof.  I don't think there is any damage as it just scared everyone.

We are planning to run up to Ames to the bookstore this afternoon.  It will be a challenge as a college football game is going to be going on later on during the day.  We will have to take backroads to get to the bookstore and stay out of that traffic.  ISU is playing another Iowa college school, UNI, so it will be crowded for the game. It takes an hour for people to be able to leave the stadium after a game because the roads can't  handle the crowds.

Other small jobs are to be done today that I don't get done on week days.  It is good to have some days off.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The Russian Olive is new to me. Neighbors on both sides of us have had large trees to come down in heavy rain this summer. Thankfully, no damage.
    Hard to believe it's time for college football once again. Enjoy the bookstore.

  2. We used to have a row of Russian Olives in North Dakota when we lived there...they are stickery:) Hope you are resting up some this weekend:)
