Friday, August 30, 2013

Tough Flower......Tough Cat

Most plants don't take the heat. I know the coneflowers hang tough with the heat to a certain degree.  The blackeyed Susan is tough.  All summer I could go out an take shots of this plant.  Right now as everything is shriveled up and gone, it continues to show its colors.

 Long tail, long legged, and very thin describes our new visitor neighbor cat. I call him Tiny Tim.  He loves attention and eventually will send me falling to the ground as he walks under my feet at all times.  I don't think he is very healthy and my wife has been giving him special soft food to help him out.  There is a possibility that he came from a Siamese mother. 

Whatever he is, he is aggressive towards other male cats. He is territorial and has driven Tom Tom from the porch and the property.  We are concerned about Tom Tom but we figure he has moved up the street  to another neighbor who feeds cats.  Tiny Tim has a sister who comes over sometimes to get some food. She is also very thin and is black and white.  Both of them lay in the shade in the grass to stay cool.

I am an associate today following a nice young man from class to class. It is hot in the classrooms again today.  The one teacher keeps a thermometer is his room and it read 84 degrees F. at 10:00 in the morning. It is an early out at 1:00 which is three hours from now.  It will be time for a second shower when I get home.

Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. So sorry about your extreme heat. Your flowers are so colorful. I'm happy Tiny Tim is getting a special diet but I know you worry about Tom Tom. Our stray rescue, Rocker, is slowly getting less aggressive towards our other cats. He is learning that there is enough food/love to go around.

  2. Hope youi cool down soon, they say Sunday will be cooler I am looking forward to it! Tiny Tim does look a bit Siamese...I hope he has a home. Cats with Feline Leukemia are usually thin..hope he doesn't have that:(

  3. Larry, at least the holiday weekend will give you a break from school and the heat. Perhaps in time, Tiny Tim will be less aggressive. Enjoy your weekend.
