Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Stuff........

The last bloom from this plant is shown here.  It is the one larger Asiatic lilies that I have. It did well compared to the others in the garden. My blooms were so few and far between this summer.

Our new mouth to feed lays in the grass.  Tom Tom sits on top of everything but this younger thin cat lays in the grass most of the day.  He is so thin and we have been feeding him to get him feeling better.  I think he is the offspring of a Siamese mother that lives next door and he has very long legs and a super long tail.  He still has the feral cat look. In a week he has befriended us he did like free food.  Unfortunately for Tom Tom he has had to move to the other porch as they don't seem to like each other.  I hope we can get this guy into better health as he still doesn't seem he has a normal weight.

The camera decided to focus on the far distant lily rather than the one in the foreground.  These two will be the last blooms for this plant for the year.  I need to go water a couple more plants that need to be encouraged to put out blooms.  The surprise lilies just popped up a few days ago and the hibiscus has yet to put on any buds. 

Have a great Sunday and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Little kitty is blessed to have you two as neighbors. I've been told that kitten food has a lot of calories/nutrition.
    Your lilies sure are pretty. Such bold colors. I saw some pink surprise lilies just last week.

  2. Pretty blooms, so what will you name this new friend? Skinny? :)
