Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The middle of the week.......

The jungle and the surprise lilies.  I can't believe my weeds are not pulled, but it is what it is. I poured a whole bucket of water on these stems hoping to make the blooms mature with healthy size. We had a rain on Monday that wet the sidewalk.

The verbena was a great purchase.  I didn't know how well it would grow but it is liking the attention that I am giving it. I don't randomly hose it down like they probably do at The Home Depot.  They are dumping a lot of their plants for low prices.

We had a hot day yesterday and today is to be only 81 degrees F.  I am still working in the four locker rooms and they seem to be cooler than the regular classrooms.  The wing is not air conditioned so being where I am is a good thing. Chemstripping off old wax around the borders of the rooms is hard and also dull work.  We are almost done with that and will be doing the final sanding on the concrete floors before we put a shiny sealer on them.  The floors had not had the wax removed for over 15 years so it was a horrible job to get that material of the floors.  It will be done probably by Friday.

Thanks for stopping by today.  My wife is almost finished with her summer cold.  I am done with it.  My inflammation situation seems to come and go and I have more good walking days now than not.  I am going to beat this miserable condition. It just chooses to flare up whenever and I have to just not be walking around much.  I have a lot of pain on those non walking days but it is getting better.

As my friend Claude says who is from France,   Ah, tomorrow!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that Della is recovering from her cold!
    I like that color Verbena..sometimes it gets powdery mildew easy.
    Have a great weekend! :)
