Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Underplanted and underblooms........

My large urn has a few of these planted in them but they only bloom two flowers at a time. The wild clovers in there make a great filler for the plants.  I see there is another bud ready to bloom.

My wife and I made a wonderful tasting rhubarb and raspberry cobbler on Saturday.  The stems of the rhubarb did give me enough for the cobbler but I doubt we will get another harvest.  The raspberries were actually left over from last year that we had in the freezer.  The combining of those two flavors makes a great cobbler.  I saw a recipe on tv that called for cinnamon and brown sugar with white sugar.  It worked well. 

Survived Monday's workday and am heading back today.  We have a machine that has a special attachment that scrapes off many layers of old wax on concrete shower room floors. We sweep up that old wax like sand from the beach.   It is a great invention to take off years of layers of wax off of the floors. We have three done and one is left to be finished.

Take care all and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I love the fragrance of the little "pinks" blooms. Your cobbler sounds very tasty. Hope you have a nice Tuesday.

  2. I'll let you keep the rhubarb.

    I like wild clover too. I let it grow where it wants.

  3. Neat angle on the dianthus and clovers picture.
    Stripping wax .....sounds like a hard job....hopefully the machine does all the work. Sounds like something that would require a good respirator to protect your lungs!
