Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday's Things.......

I finally have my first bud on the white marigolds.  I was out with the little dog last night and I saw that these were really dry and shriveled.  So at 10:30 last night I got out the garden hose and watered all of my pots of flowers. The extreme heat tends to keep you from going outside and checking on the plants.  When I get some blooms you all know that I will take many photos throughout its blooming period.

The sedum was doing well but it did take a fall a week ago.  I should have staked it or buy a wire form to hold the stems upright.

I carried a full bucket of  water for it last week and plan on doing it again this evening.  I didn't get blooms last fall but maybe I can get them this time around.

Out on the corner of my  property at the intersection of the roads stands this white holly hock.  In fact there are many of them there but this one continues to put out one or two blooms at a time.  It is struggling with the dry weather.  I took many shots of this one bloom as I am desperate to find things to photograph.  I am posting another view of this today on my Photo a Day blog.

It was 72 degrees F.  this morning and I didn't get called into work.  I took the opportunity to mow my yard and clean up some of the orchard.  Two hours later after I had started, I decided my clothes were wet enough from the sweat. When I came inside it was already 89 degrees F.   I will do inside projects for the rest of the day as I haven't really had a weekday off for a long time. I guess the two times I did I was having health problems and it was difficult for me to walk.  I am walking a lot better now and have slight pain in my one foot.  I don't know if I will ever be rid of this ailment but I do know that I walk normally enough now that people don't know I have something wrong with me.  I don't have continue pain which was the constant most of my summer.  It is good to feel better and maybe I can say well.

Thanks for stopping by today.  We are headed to 98 degrees today for our high and I will be inside the rest of today.


  1. Glad to hear you are walking better and that you got a day off! me too I sent my husband into work to melt for me today:)

  2. Happy to hear you are some better. I know the summer was difficult for you.

  3. Hi Larry, thanks for your recent comments, and sorry to hear you've been struggling with a painful foot. Your high temperatures sound quite a lot to contend with as well. It is very cool here - you probably don't want to know that! Good for you managing to coax blooms out in such difficult growing conditions.
