Sunday, August 11, 2013

Yesterday's Project..........

I worked some on the frame job that you see here. The barn boards are left over from a tornado destroying the barn.  My neighbor lady strongly urged me to take a bunch of the boards at the time and she has me making a frame from them quite often.

Making frames like this gets to be a lot of work as nothing is straight and boards are warped.  The barn sat behind  her house 20 yards away and it was taken by the tornado along with a garage and another attached small building.  The location is actually only two houses away from our house in her backyard.  She didn't lose her  house but the one garage near her  house was just crushed.

It is Sunday and I hope everyone has a good day.  We keep seeing chances of rain but we don't even believe them anymore.  Everything is either south or north of us.  Have a good day and thanks for stopping in to my post.

1 comment:

  1. It takes a lot of patience and artistry to get those old boards straight in a frame:)
