Friday, September 13, 2013


It is ash tree Friday as I posted a different photo of the same tree on my Photo a Day blog.  The tree is a volunteer one that my dad had noticed along my property line back in 1976.  He said that it was an ash and they made good trees for the yard.  The person who reworked the house that I just had moved into had removed most of the small growth, bushes and plants.  I needed some trees and it was free.  Most people would call it a dirty tree as it puts out funny fuzzy spiral things in spring and then the seeds go everywhere all fall. It has been a good tree for me and yet the virus is coming its way soon.  I am just waiting for the insect to come and kill it and I will have to remove it.  Until then I will just enjoy it.

The fence from my son's workplace was given to me a few years ago. When putting it into my yard I thought a  little decoration on the posts would look good.  The wood pieces are of course factory made by machine but they do capture some of the history of the design of the old fashioned ones. 

My final finish today will be a shot of the verbena blooms.  Even with rain and extra watering, I see that I am not going to save my sedum.  I guess once it hits a certain time and the water just isn't there and the sedum will just go back to dormancy. 

I am not working today but will be back at it tomorrow for a half day of Saturday school.  I need time off my feet again as my other leg is starting to get worse as my one leg is getting better.  I don't think standing on concrete floors all day helps anything.  I guess I will go out and take some photos of things as I am out of photos again to share. 

Thanks for checking in on me.

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