Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday At School.........For Saturday School.

We are finishing off a great apple pie today that my wife made from these kinds of apples.  I have to hunt and sort through them to find any that I can use.  Lots of bruises and insect spots.  I did find this next batch where they size is larger.  It took me along time with lots of little apples to create enough for the one pie.  These apples should be a little bit easier.  I actually didn't know these apples were on that particular tree.  The one next to it was almost appleless.  I will try to take a picture of the next pie my wife makes, be it a peach pie or an apple.

The pears are too small to really make anything out of them.  I can eat one once in a while but to make anything out of them like jelly or sauce would be too difficult.  The tomatoes are still putting out a few last ones now. 

Evidence of our almost  half of inch of rain a week ago can be seen in the bird bath.  I was surprised to see that it hadn't evaporated already.

I am in Saturday school again this weekend with two guys who wish that they weren't here.  Both of them would probably be at home and be asleep right now.  I am about a fourth of the way through with them right now.  It is a four hour time to serve by them and I think also by me. One brought two pieces of pizza to eat for breakfast before we started our time.

I hope everyone has a good weekend.  The weather in Iowa has returned to normal for a while.  It actually is too cold at night for normal but it does give us daytime normal.  I assume the Colorado rains will be coming our way now as we have three or four days of rain predicted by Tuesday.  Thank you for stopping in to see what is going on here in central Iowa.


  1. I hope you have your feet propped up since you are stuck in Saturday School! Have a good weekend:)

  2. You two are making me hungry with the pies! Hope you can rest some this weekend.

  3. Hi, Larry,

    Long time no visit ;) I'm not sure where the summer_ the year has gone, but happily we welcome some cooler temps and fall. Blogging for me has been put on the back burner since our hands have been full.

    Interesting that our apple tree this year is far better than last; we dried some and made some applesauce, but regrettably, no pies. :( On the other hand, the pears have produced less than last year. Go figure.

    Blessings to you and your wife and have a great week ahead.

  4. Hi Larry, our apple trees (all 2 of them) produced such awful looking apples that we did not use them for anything. The pear tree produced some, but they were not very good. We did manage to get a peach pie out of some of the fruit from those trees. Not a good year here either for fruit picking. Too bad you had to be in school on the weekend, but at least you were being paid, unlike the students.
