Wednesday, September 4, 2013

In The MIddle Of The Week........

I usually plant the oxalis into the ground during the summer to give it a change from its container.  It didn't happen so I will have to find a larger pot for it before I bring it in this fall.  The hardy geranium seemed to hang over into the picture and it is large compared to the tiny pink blooms of the oxalis.

No rain for forever gives me this backyard scene. The field lilies usually crash in the fall but they started to droop a few weeks ago.  'That is what you are seeing that is all brown in the background.

 My evening coffee sits among the tomatoes and zucinni.  The pile actually has reduced in great number as we had three meals since the photo was taken and the pile is quite small now.

Thanks for stopping by my post today. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the oxalis. You have had some pretty tomatoes, too. We are hoping for more rain, too. We will be getting two new ornamental trees.
