Thursday, September 5, 2013

On the Stairs........

This is the garden on the stairs that I tend to daily.  I cleaned my patio over the weekend and I just set them all in a row to keep things looking lusher than they are.

I posted a similar photo on my photo a day site.  This one was an interesting shot as when I pointed the camera up to capture the horizon I have extras with the shadows.  The shadow is actually my neighbor's garage and camper that is keeping the sun from hitting the corn field. That is corn also on the horizon in a different field.  The line in the sky is a power line.

I am in the special education room today following a young man in high school from one class to another.  Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. The plants are nice on the steps grouped together. I also like the view of the corn field.
    We found out today that the vacant lot across from our house will never be built on. It is nice to look across and see trees.

  2. Nice welcome having all the plants on the steps.
    About this time of year, I start grouping all the containers together on the patio. The withstand those early frosts better that way.
