Monday, September 16, 2013


I do run out of cleaver, creative titles after while so as you notice I still have a mind enough to know what day of the week it is.

Ruffle red petals on this violet are looking good.  I had to move them out of the sun the other day as the sun has shifted down and the sun comes straight into the window for a few days.  It changes so quickly that a week later I could move them back into the window.

The plain smooth edged red violet is doing very well.  It not only has a different shape than the ruffled one but the leaves seem to be different too.   I have a lot of these now as they successfully rooted from leaves for me.

No work today for me and I am having a hard time adjusting.  I know that I won't get work everyday but I don't always have plans set up when I am not called to work.  I tried to cut a frame for a job that is due to be done and I screwed it up for sure.  I have three pieces of frame cut for the job but the last piece was mitered on one end to the wrong angle. What was I thinking?  I don't have any more of that molding so I will need to buy more wood.  Usually I have a scrap laying around to make up for a mistake.  Not today of course.

My wife and I are going to accompany our neighbor lady to Walmart this afternoon. She doesn't like to shop alone and we don't mind to trail along today.  It is cold now and yet we are not getting rain.  South of us  they had great showers and people to the north of us had storms.  We are just gray and chilly with a wind.  I guess we will warm up in a couple of days but for now it looks like I might have to get the pilot light going for the furnace.

We have new pictures of our grandson so I suppose you might see some of them.  He is getting more handsome and smarter each day. Thank you for following me and stopping in today.  I hope your day is a great one.


  1. A day off, you are not used to time off, you will have to make a day off list:)

  2. I do love your violets and the apple tree photos. Nice of you both to accompany your neighbor. I was at Walmart earlier today. A very, very old man on the motorized shopping cart yelled out to me BAKED BEANS! I looked up on the shelf, found them and handed them to him. Always makes me wonder why someone so aged is alone.
