Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Stuff......

The bonsai look will have to go away this fall as I can't continue to grow it with this long branch.  It looks good in a container but it will just take too much room in the house to continue with its projected stem.

It actually is hard to photograph. I could put it back on its shelf but the raccoon that would crawl up over the gate area would keep knocking it to the ground. A total replanting really is in order and if it warms up again before winter I can do that outside.

I am not being very creative today with repeats of the same old flowers. The begonia above never was removed from its pot to be put into a planter.  I suppose I will have to remove and refresh some of its soil before I bring it in for the winter. I see I do have all three colors of begonia in this container.

I will close with a shot of my corn field in my backyard.  I didn't have to mow the yard for over a month or so.  During that time a volunteer corn plant came up near the garden shed and apple tree.  It actually has a small ear of corn on it. I don't think it will tassel so I doubt I get any corn.

The southern part of Iowa is getting rain  today.  We are a county above it but we are cloudy and cold anyway.  It is supposed to warm up to 69 degrees today. We will drive through rain when we head for church.   It should eventually be a pretty good day outside.  Have a great Sunday and thanks for stopping by today.

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