Monday, September 9, 2013


The marigolds grew up from seed in the planter and it has slowed down its growth.  The little buds are growing and I haven't a clue when the large blurry bud in front will open.  It will be very hot the next two days again and marigolds do like heat.  I will water them again this evening after the heat wave.

My prickly pear cactus seems to hold its own with no care from me.  I watered it a couple of days ago but it is a tough desert plant. The cactus seems to love all the heat and looks healthy.

My other cactus planter is in a stoneware container.  The two varieties seem to like being together.  The tipped over cactus was a newer one that was given to me and I need to get some tongs and replace it into the soil.

More peaches were brought to our door last night.  They were all large ones and they will become pie.  The first batch that I picked a few days ago have been sliced and placed in the freezer.  Well actually only half of them were frozen as they had a lot of green ones in the batch.  Today we will prepare them for the freezer.   We also have some apples from the orchard to deal with getting them ready for pie filling and they too will be put in the freezer.

I have today off and it is good for me.  I need to rest a little more before I go back tomorrow. The heat is to be great today reaching almost 100 degrees F.  School will be let out at one o'clock today and probably again tomorrow. 

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Always nice to see your plants. Mother sure loved to spread marigold seeds around the property at Nalley Valley.
    Peaches and apples will make some great pies this winter.
    It is hot and dry here. Naturally, we are having to water the new trees. This after it rained ALL summer!!!
    Have a good day.

  2. Beautiful peaches! We got some at the store, they are good this year. A day of rest is good:)
