Sunday, September 8, 2013

It tells the story..........

The only part of the story that the photo doesn't show is the overloaded branch broke off and fell onto my red hollyhocks.  The weight snapped the ends of the vertical flowers to the ground.

It will now be the last shot of the red hollyhocks for this summer. Look at the color of the dry black soil from Iowa.  It is a hard soil or a powdery gray soil. 

Have a good Sunday and I hope everyone is well. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The pears are very small but I ate one on the spot and it was good to eat.

  2. I remember grandma making pear preserves. That's a lovely color of hollyhock. Hope you have a nice week.

  3. You will have to trim that tree, another thing for your to do list:)
