Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hidden View........

Having crossed the street to visit the corn field I turned to see how the red maple was doing with its color change.  I have blogged it before that my trees have taken over my yard.  The house is almost not in view from the east side of the house.

This leaf at the base of the maple is redish but the rest of the tree looks like it will be turning into a red brown tree this year.

I hope that the red does come eventually but from what I am seeing red brown it will be.  The neighbors maples are going to be their normal color this year.

Here is a sample of what the trees across the street are doing for their fall color.  It has been nice to get the moisture back into our ground and these trees seem to be hardy regardless of dry weather.

It is Sunday and I hope you have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. We long for the day that we have trees and/or bushes to provide some privacy. We rec'd photos from the folks who bought our last house this weekend. All the shrubs and grasses we planted are doing well and growing big.
