Monday, October 21, 2013


Everything was moved to the basement.  It didn't quite freeze last night so I did make before the deadline of a hard freeze.  Normally I would be putting things in my basement while it is sleeting or snowing and the wind would be blowing wildly. I found a magazine about the agapanthus plant you see here.  I will reread that article to see why I bought the plants in the first place.  I may plant them into the ground next spring and see if I can get them to bloom.

It still looks like early fall around here as the leaves are still on the trees.  I don't have leaves to rake but some of my neighbors leaves are in my yard.   Unfortunately my new, younger neighbor decided to take down two very nice full grown trees.  I guess he doesn't want to rake anymore or maybe he wants to grow grass instead. They were beautiful trees and he did leave three other trees to help us remember what they looked like.

Safe and sound inside and my neighbor gave me six of her hardy geraniums from a small planter that she had in the yard. I think I will plant them in a window box and just take them down in the basement to keep them partially alive.

It is a day being a special education teacher and an associate.  Two people at once is a trick so I am helping out at the most essential places with students as the teacher and as an associate. It is going to be a trying day today but I will make it as I have to stay on top of the 8 period day schedule. I hope you all have a great day. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Love your photos today.
    You saying that the weather is usually horrible while you are moving plants indoors...reminds me that we always forget to turn off and winterize the outside faucet until the coldest, worst day of the year!!!
