Wednesday, October 16, 2013

In the Middle of the Week.........

A volunteer tree tends to turn color faster in the fall than the regular trees do. This is taken in an area that I don't maintain a garden so the tree escaped being clipped down this summer. When they get tall I do take them out by fall. 

My goose or duck was waiting in the cupboard for me to snap a few shots of his portly body.  I bought this ceramic piece so many years ago at a mall in Waterloo, Iowa.  They were being sold at a table with special needs students having created the work.  This guy just caught my eye and I had to have him.  He is so neat to hold with his round body and the different evidences of the painters brush makes it even more special. Whenever you see it, you have to pick it up and feel the smooth surface of the waterfowl in your hands.  Just to warn you now that I have other shots of him that actually show emotion.  I will spread the shots out through different posts.

Only two shots today.  I have the day off and will be going about getting things ready for winter.  I will bring in geraniums today. It doesn't specifically say we are going to have frost but I have the collection going and I have the place to bring them for the winter ready to go.  I have brought in my oxalis already and need to get the cactus into the house.  I know we will have a few warm days as we usually do but it spikes and dips in temperature around here so it is best to be safe.   Saying that I will pick the last of my fruit trees today.  A neighbor gave me a digging from her day lilies.  I want to get them into the ground today and watered so they can have the rest of the month to acclimate.

Well I have created a big list already and I was planning or resting today.  I will stop for now and hope everyone is doing well out there.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love the leaf and the duck is rather chubby! It does just beg to be held. I know those students were very proud of their work.
    We have not needed heat yet but we have turned off the a/c. We are expecting rain tonight.

  2. Cute duck! Yes you best save your will freeze soon:(
