Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday's Things......

This brick is from a house that was torn down a couple of years back.  It fascinates me by the way it was formed in shape and also its material.  The brick was meant for a strong footing for a house and is larger than the others that were made for the job.  The cousins of the brick are half this size with no inner support system.  The clay in which it is made is similar to the red clay potters use today to make pots.  The difference is that it is fired hotter to make it stronger. It is a ceramic brick but there is no glaze on it to make it shine.  The basement of my old house was made with the same material but there is a shiny glaze on the brick. 

The block next to it on the left is mistakenly called brick when it really is a concret block.  It is made from cement, cast and dried to become a concrete form. As most of you know that is the material of choice for construction today in the United States.

The two spades were inherited from the southern Iowa property.  The one spade is a long bladed one that I assume would be used to dig deep holes for planting posts.  The other shovel looking more like a shovel really does have a blade on it that makes it more of a spade than a sand shovel.  One can tire quickly if you use it for a long period of time to transfer dirt.

The transplanted red lilac is doing well at this location.  I have had it for three years and I think the root structure is strong enough for me to have blooms next spring.  I rescued my start from a lilac that had been cut completely down with small sprigs sticking up out of the ground. The vinca has done well as it continues to spread.  I have to mow it back now as it tries to take of the yard.  My grass is in bad shape there so I should just let it cover the who area.

Espanol is my major subject again today as the staff person took a flu shot and now sick with the flu.  It is difficult to cover a class like this as the classes are large and the subject matter has to be taught by worksheet when a substitute teach is in the room.

We are having a little cooler weather now and it did rain for about five minutes last night. I had to get up with Button for a half hour to get him through the terrible flashes of lighting and the loud crashes of thunder.  Really it was very mild but a dog can't discriminate from a mild storm and really wild weather.  He feels much safer downstairs curled up in an afghan or on my lap.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The brick is interesting. In my hometown, we had a handful of pre-civil war homes that the bricks were made on the property.
    John and Larry have quite a collection of shovels, etc. John is constantly breaking the wooden handles!
    I can't wait to see your lilac bloom. Our cat Kaboodle was always attracted to mother's lilac bush leaves at our old home. She acted as if it were catnip!
    I guess we will soon look into getting a flu shot. Have you and your wife gotten one yet?

  2. Poor Button..no fun to be so scared you cannot sleep. Raining all day here, but no thunder and lightening:)
