Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday, finally...............

My hen and chicks survived the summer.  I had forgotten about them and the leaves from the ash tree are covering them.  I had to dig them out to find them and I can see that they like their location.

A surprise bloom from one of my roses along the south of the house.  All old buds had been trimmed back but this one came from a new sprout at the bottom.

The dianthus are beat up from heavy rains but the color is still there.  I will move them to the flower garden soon as I need to get them rooted in before winter.

I am two people today at school so I have a split personality.  I never know who I might next be each coming day.  I am an associate with a young girl following her to class and having study hall with special needs students.  I will be an art teacher again this afternoon.  It will be fun to be back in there after my earlier long time subbing in that room at the beginning of the school year.

Another warm day but it won't be too hot.  Gentle winds and open skies so far but there is a rain promise this afternoon.  It will be short lived and sprinkles by the way the radar shows it.  It comes from Nebraska and the Dakotas.

It is Friday and thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I need to plant a few hen and chicks. That is a pretty, delicate rose. Hope your day is going smoothly. We might have to water if we don't get rain this weekend.
