Thursday, October 10, 2013

Get a ladder!!!!!!!!!!

I have the first part of the picking done.  The majority of them are pretty much insect punctured but  there are some really good ones among the bad ones.  The tallest part of the tree I will probably never reach but with a ladder I should pull down a few very good ones to eat. I don't like how they all ripen at different rates.  It is good that they do so it spreads them out but they ripen so quickly that you can miss eating them.  I have a lot of fruit on the tree that have already turned brown on the tree and the ants and bees are having a feast.

Taken this summer.

The creeping bluebell is only a memory now as I have mowed down all them.  The seem to dry up like a soy bean plant does and there are just dead stems left standing.

This is another summer shot of the creeping bluebells.  It is all dead now and the grown is covered with brown broken stems.

I am subbing in the high school history department today. One of the classes is studying about the Industrial Revolution.  I had given an informal intro to the subject and one of the freshmen girls asked if I was born then.  I showed the dates of 1880-1850 as the beginning of the revolution.  I asked her to figure it out. 

Thanks for stopping by today.  It is going to be a warm day today with 80's or more in temperatures. It is breezy today with bright sunshine.


  1. I know you'll enjoy the apples in pies this winter. I love the bluebells. They are so pretty growing near your lovely home.

    Karen's oldest (as a young child)asked our mother if God was a little boy when she was a little girl!!!

  2. Bet that student's comment didn't do anything to make your day, Larry, or else showed her gross ignorance. Lovely bluebells and what a pretty sight welcoming you to the doorstep.

  3. Oh my she must have though you were ancient! Kids:(
