Sunday, October 13, 2013


My plastic swan planter seems to hang in there without much wear and tear. The poinsettia is really enjoying the outside weather.  It is probably on its third year coming Christmas time.

The rains made the apples at the top of the tree grow larger. I need to get on that ladder and get it done.  Maybe this afternoon I will finally do it.

It is Sunday and I going to give you a shorter blog today.  I hope you all will have a good day off and the weather is good for you.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The poinsettia looks so healthy and the swan is great.

    Be careful reaching those apples.

  2. These are lovely, Larry, I am so glad you shared them here.

  3. Sunday and a rainy one gave me the time for a longer blog, Larry, quite the opposite of your plans. Hope those apples are good for eating or baking a pie.
