Monday, October 14, 2013


The hosta is going to be gone soon.  It takes a freeze to shut it down.  This one is in a protected area so it looks really good. The drought in the middle of summer actually gave this one plant different colors that it  normally has. 

It is a red and green day today.  The verbena is starting to shut down with our colder weather.  Speaking of Christmas colors, I saw a magazine call Early American Living at the bookstore on Saturday.  There were articles about different collections that people own of Christmas decorations.  I didn't buy the magazine but I enjoyed scanning one article that showed a man who had thousands of ornaments.  The trees were so covered with indent ornaments and also shiny brites.  There were other themed trees that he had also but it must take him night and day for a whole month to put it all on display.  I didn't buy  one new ornament last year but I have a long ways to get to be such a large collector as this man is in the article. Those out there who have a lot of ornaments should check out the magazine.

I am in the Spanish room today, high school level.  We are learning about the differences and similarities of Costa Rica and the United States. I have had to drag them through the material as they are not too anxious to read the material.  I guess if someone would tell them the info on the computer and they could listen to it they might be able to handle the assignment.  My third hour class is dealing with it better than the first two classes.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Have a good day.


  1. Beautiful hosta and verbena today. That sounds like an interesting magazine article about the Christmas ornaments.
