Wednesday, October 9, 2013


The seed pod on the yucca plant seems to be at the end of its final stage. I assume that they are seeds and wonder how easy it is to start them. This really is an ugly stage for it.

There was only one stem of flowers from the plant this year but maybe there will be more next year. 

The wind and the rain has flattened all of the hollyhocks.  This one surprised me to be still blooming at the end of a stalk while laying in the grass.  I see that there is still a few buds on it. The blooms themselves look like weathered warriors. 

Another day off from work.    Our weather is going to be great for two more days and maybe Friday too with a chance of rain. The temps are going to be around 78 degrees F. during that time which is great for around here this time of year.

We are going to go with the neighbor to help her with some purchases and we will stop at Walmart on the way home. We don't have much to buy but our neighbor doesn't like to drive in the Des Moines area anymore as the traffic is so busy all day.  It is just more crowded as that part of the town keeps growing. 

We both seem to be doing ok health wise right now.  We are all over the colds.  We keep trying to slow down and get more rest but we are busy.  I guess I am reaching the age though that a few things on my agenda is harder to deal with than when I was younger and could carry many things on my agenda and sail smoothly along.            Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. John and I have wondered how easy it would be to start a yucca from seed.
    Glad you and your wife have improved. Will you both get a flu shot this year?
    I know your neighbor appreciates your kindness.
    Hope that your outing is a pleasant one today. Your weather sounds wonderful.

  2. One more nice day...then who knows. I know what you mean about projects..I am trying to keep on task. Glad you are over your colds, I am not quite there yet..but I might have some allergies..probably to leaves:)
