Monday, December 23, 2013

A Snow Day.......Sunday's Post on Monday

We are snowed in today.  It isn't horrible but south of us there is a lot more snow.  It has stopped snowing now and by this afternoon people will surely be out driving the streets.  Our potluck at church was canceled due to the weather.  The majority of the Asians are Khmer Cambodians and they are elderly now, having fled their country many years ago (1976). They wouldn't want to board buses to come for a potluck even though they love large dinners like this. The kids and grandkids wouldn't care but there are more older ones to worry about. I am going to miss eating all of that Asian food. Maybe not all of it but most of it.

The photo is  one from my glass blown ornament tree.  I have a second small tree to handle the smaller ones in my collection. The tree in the window makes it a challenge to shoot picture as there is too much shade on the back side of the tree and almost too much light on the window side.

I am so busy that I forgot to post this yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. We may get snow is too cold to snow right now it is -35. Bitterly cold. Merry Christmas Larry and please give my best to Della too:)
