Saturday, December 21, 2013

Checking in Late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like this penguin looks.  It has been a long busy day.  Shopping in the morning, delivering a frame job, visiting a neighbor, and painting on the very last project before Christmas. 

The last minute project that was brought to me a few days ago and put into the trunk of my car lays on the work counter waiting for decoration.   My wife and I have given two coats of white paint on this concrete bench. I will share the painting part when we get done.  It isn't fine art so don't get too excited.

This is a closeup of the legs of the bench.  We made them look a lot better as the raw cement was not in good shape.  We are hoping the bench actually stays inside in the person's foyer.  Did I say they are heavier than a cow?????  I carried them, three parts,  into the house and had to go rest afterwards.

Thanks for stopping in today.  It is a late posting for me as I have been busy.  I did get some photos processed after supper. Thanks again for hanging around my blog.

1 comment:

  1. It is good that you can still lift "stuff" heavier than a cow! I am interested to see it finished:)
