Monday, December 9, 2013

Cold and Snow.........and other stuff.

Having more time today I will share the original post about this oat sprouter. It was many years back that I first wrote about it.  I had to dig a long ways back to find the link to the story.  Back then I wrote hundreds of words to be sure everyone understood what I was talking about. Now I tend to abbreviate and just get to the facts. If you are faint in heart today stay away from the reading and just look at the pictures.  The cabinet sat in the dinning room and now it is in the living room as an accent piece holding a lamp next to a winged back chair. 

 I visited the old site about the sprouter and I was a really bad proof reader, really bad.  Sorry!!!! I guess I won't go back to edit it as I can't get there from here.

My wife said she saw two of these downy woodpeckers at the feeder on Friday.  I hope that I can attract another kind of woodpecker through the winter.  I noticed the nuthatch gave a taste of it the other day but it hasn't returned for a while.

 Looking out the window in my computer area one can see we are not brown with dead leaves and grass anymore. This is the first of the many hardy geraniums that I have in bloom.  I promised not to write about them for a month and I don't really know if the silent period is over now.  I may waste my time and go back and look to when I made the promise.  

This is my "looking out" window if you are a regular visitor. The view is ok out there but I did need to focus in on the color.  I can share the larger picture later.  We had about 4 to 5 inches of fluffy snow the past days and it is extremely cold. Going to church yesterday actually was quite dangerous but we did make it home in one piece.  I noticed it was a -2 degrees F. this morning and it will warm up to 11 degrees sometime today.  It will not feel like a warm up at all.

I am not ready for this but sometimes I guess I will like seeing it again.  I bet if it were not so very cold that I would be a little bit more positive in attitude about it.  I can be glad that I now have new things to photograph as the brown pictures were getting a little too much repetitive. 

I am in a teacher subbing for a Talented and Gifted teacher.  It is more like a resource room and yet we have a few people building a robot machine for a upcoming contest. They do work hard on it and they have a lot of the piece completed. I guess they keep tweaking it to make it the best.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Keep warm, stay safe and enjoy your day.


  1. Your pictures are wonderful. I like pictures of birds and a view of the snowy garden.

  2. That's a really interesting old piece of furniture. Your description of your grandparents' place reminds me of my own.

  3. You have a great view and what a pretty geranium. So nice to see blooms indoors during the winter.
    Thanks for the link on the cupboard. Such an interesting piece.

  4. I really wish that I could figure out how to get to the post and do some grammatical corrections and spelling corrections. I had not blogged for very long so I must have rambled on, not really going back in to read it over for mistakes. I am determined to get to it sometime today.

  5. Larry find the post and then edit it. The little pen in the bottom will let you do that:)
    Stay warm -24 this morning:)

  6. Far Side of Fifty, you are a life saver. I went back and corrected the writing of that blog. Blogging has really honed my skills as a writer. That original writing was very bad and sad. Thanks.
