Sunday, December 8, 2013

Looking for Sleigh Bells.......

Opening the door of my toy cupboard to straighten out the mess in there I realized that I hadn't been in there for a long time.  I haved dumped things in and really had not organized things as I put things back into the cupboard.

The cupboard is actually an antique sprouting cupboard for oat seeds.  The shelves were filled with trays of soil in which the farmer would spread oat seeds.  At the bottom was placed a light bulb to warm the insides with a moisture pan also at the bottom.  The door is a glass door to let in light and once the oats sprouted they were fed to the chickens.  They would do this during the winter.  Sears made this cupboard and it was sold commercially. The drawer was added by the original owner John Horton who live on a farm in southern Iowa as he converted it to a storage cupboard for canning jars.

Two sides of the piece have vent holes to keep the wood from rotting.  The cupboard is lined with a metal but they needed to have air vents to let out the heat and moisture.

I will let you snoop in my drawers and shelves. I didn't get the drawer stuff straighten as you can see.

This the reason that I was in the cupboard.  I have nine or more of these and I just found one of them.  I will have to spread out my search to the storeroom.

We are having light snow today with some wind.  It shouldn't keep us from going to church and teaching Sunday school.  We will grab a quick sandwich and come home quickly as it could snow heavier.  Two inches is all that is predicted so I don't think we will have anything looking like a blizzard.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It is frustrating to misplace something like your bells.

    Many of your cars bring back memories from my childhood.

    That is a great cabinet...I've never seen/heard (about) these before.

    Hope your weather does not get severe. Lots of rain here today.

  2. The sleigh bells will be wonderful to hear.

    I've never heard of a sprouting cupboard before. What an interesting piece. It looks to be in great shape too.

  3. Hello ! And even old furniture are very useful.

  4. I'd never heard of a sprouting cupboard. But how nice for the chickens during a long winter.

  5. Nine bells that is a jackpot! I bought one for a friend..I soaked it and scrubbed it and it came out beautiful...I gave it to her as a Christmas Gift last year. I paid $7.00 for mine so see you are rich..well maybe not:(
