Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday is Fine........

Television was bad last night for about an hour,  so I finished decorating the tree.  I am glad that I haven't added to this collection as the tree is loaded. In fact the tree decorator dropped one of the ornaments so there are less to hang. Enjoy the moving picture above. We have decided that I am hitting a button that takes multiple photos when I hit the button.  It is translating into a movie and we are working on correcting the problem.

The teddy bear tree was decorated yesterday by my wife so we are almost done with the trees.  We have a few things that might not go up this year.  I will share more photos of this as time goes by but not today.

Did I mention that school was cancelled today.  We had a freezing rain all night. It wasn't horrible.  It was bad enough that it would have taken a long time to get sidewalks cleared of ice, so people would have been falling down.  I have a lot of things done already this morning and it will be like having an extra Saturday this week. We ship out the box to Maine today and we have one more box to ship to a location in Iowa.  It will ease up the stress to have an extra day.  I am actually on Christmas break and that is a good deal.

I hope all is going well with all of you and thanks for stopping by today


  1. Both trees are very pretty. Hope your weather won't be too dangerous. Karen's area was predicting sleet for today. We are cloudy/in the 50's today.
    I wish you both a nice weekend.

  2. Hope you get to pause a bit and relax on your Christmas break!

  3. Yea for Christmas break! I love the sparkly look of that first tree..wonderful! :)

  4. Great trees.
    I wish You a Merry Chritmas and a Happy New Year.
